The new K2 gold project (owned 100% Dios) located near Lac Kali, James Bay, Quebec, increases DIOS ‘strategic position (68 claims totaling 35.9 square kilometers) along the Opinaca River (Lower Eastmain). K2 is centered on a group of gold-silver-copper clues in felsic volcanics that are spatially associated with the NW-oriented Kali fault and the margins of a large (4 x 1 km) distinct magnetic anomaly along Kali quartz porphyry (QP). The mineralization is composed of disseminated and stringer sulphides (pyrite-chalcopyrite, and minor amounts of sphalerite-pyrrhotite) associated with a strong silica-chlorite-carbonate-ankerite alteration zone (coincident with a rhyodacitic / dacitic dome). bell-shaped flattened?). Mineralization is generally associated with VLF-EM trained conductors. This alteration zone envelops the Kali Fault NW orientation and overlaps the southern margin of the large magnetic anomaly. It is plotted over a width of 500 m with a minimum lateral extension of 2 km in the felsic volcanic sequence.
The 2016 Dios program returned 64 gold analyzes between 0.1 and 8.08 g / t Au, including 12 samples>1.0 g/t Au (1.03, 1.35, 1.46, 1.65, 1.71, 1.74, 2.12, 2.28, 2.44, 2.52, 3.64 & 8.08 g/t Au). Gold is associated with significant silver values ​​grading up to 123.0 g / t Ag (including 36 samples>10.0 g / t Ag & 8 samples
,Strong, >50.0 g / t Ag) and copper values ​​up to 6.42% (65 samples strong,> 0.1% Cu and 18 samplesstrong, >1.0% Cu).
The best analyzes were obtained in the felsic volcanic sequence (rhyodacite dome) overlying the quartz porphyry of Kali. A chalcopyrite stringer / stockwork zone spanning 75m by 5-15m wide, titrated up to 8.08g / t Au, 96.7g / t Ag, 2.43% Cu & 0.17% Zn. 13 échantillons recueillis sur la « Zone Attila ‘returned an average grade of 1.07 g / t Au, 38.8 g / t Ag, 1.25% Cu & 0.01% Bi. Six samples from the Attila zone show levels of zinc>0.1% (up to 0.976% Zn). About 100 m farther north, a sub-parallel plurimetric horizon injected with narrow veins of quartz-carbonate-pyrite, shows 5 samples>1.0 g / t Au (up to 3.64 g / t Au & 26.7 g / t Ag). A previous Westmin soil sampling (b-horizon) has defined gold-copper-zinc anomalies extending up to 300 meters east of the Attila Zone.
Several VLF-EM16 drivers coincident with disseminated sulphide mineralization in the rhyodacite dome dome are present at SO of the Kali Fault. They include two kilometer conductor host of showings.
The Kali Lake Cu-Ag-Au Indices consist of a mineralized zone in (and the margin of) a well-silicified (and ankeritized) quartz-bearing porphyry along the NW-Oriented Kali Fault.. The 2016 Dios sampling gave values ​​between 0.02-0.20 g / t Au (with a peak up to 0.82 g / t Au), 11.9-14.5 g / t Ag and 0.53-1.87% Cu.
Elsewhere, the Cu-Ag Curry indices consist of centimetric chlorite fills with 1-2% chalcopyrite-1-10% pyrite in a silicified-ankeritic felsic volcanic sequence injected by a multitude of basic dykes (cm-m). Assays range from0.23% – 6.42% Cu, 14.4- 112 g / t Ag, 4-56 ppm Bi and 0.042- 0.165 g / t Au. The main orientations of the fractures are N60-65, N80-90, N115-120 (and N-S). In general, the mineralized chloritized structures show no rust / oxidation. Cu-Ag Curry indices are located at the margin of the 4x1km magnetic anomaly.
The new ShivaGold Index is located along a kilometer-long E-O oriented VLF conductor. Assays include2.12, 1.35, 0.73 g / t Au; 14.9 & 28 g / t Ag; with some copper (0.23% & 0.36% Cu), 9-34 ppm Bi and zinc (up to 1.4% Zn).
TheBadji index had already titrated 5.39 g / t Au, 111 g / t Ag, 5.05% Cu & 93 ppm Bi. The Cu-Ag SDBJ 2308-17 & 2308-21 (5.02 & 1.75% Cu, 19 g / t Ag) and Samosa (3.39 g / t Au) indices are located along N070 shear in the QP. The new Rama gold showing is located on the west shore of Kali Lake, where the silicified, ankeritized and pyritized (1%) silicified (QP) clays (QP) of a centimetric basic dyke at N065 returned 2.44 g / t Au & 1.2 g / t Ag.
The SOLO project consists of 55 fully owned claims by DIOS covering 29 square kilometers along the Lower Eastmain Greenstone Belt in the Archean La Grande Subprovince. It is located 30 km west of the Km381 road stop, along the Matagami-Radisson road, between the Opinaca and Eastmain rivers.
The SOLOgold property covers a complex geology and the general geological context is favorable for gold mineralization of Bousquet type or associated intrusion type. The contact between the Opinaca- LaGrande subprovinces is located between 2 and 4 kilometers from the SOLO property. There is a folded volcanic sequence (south-facing synform, dipping to the north), consisting of intermediate to felsic volcanoclastites, ash and lapilli-blocks of calc-alkaline affinity (WABAMISK Formation), iron / chert, as well as other intermediate-mafic volcanics but of tholeiitic affinity. The sequence covers a 5-km lateral section of untested (and not flowing) geophysical anomalies of inputs and induced polarization, along which gold soil (humus) anomalies are superimposed.. The geophysical anomalies are interpreted as corresponding to the contact between felsic volcaniclastites and intermediate volcanic rocks and are located near a kilometer tonalite intrusion injected on the north flank of the fold.