The federal government recently updated its Canadian Strategy on Critical Minerals (December 2022).
Among the main objectives listed are: “…encouraging research, innovation, and exploration; accelerating project development…”
Dios Exploration has thus acquired several promising properties for lithium exploration in recent months.
- DIOS acquires the Nemiscau-Nord Lithium property
- Dios acquires the Pontax-Nord Lithium property
- Dios acquires Lithium Nord, James Bay
- Dios acquires Lac LeCaron Lithium, James Bay
Copper has also been identified as a critical mineral by the federal government: “Of the 31 critical minerals in Canada, the Strategy prioritizes 6 that stand out for their potential to stimulate Canadian economic growth and that are priority and necessary in supply chains.”
The 6 minerals are:
- Lithium
- Graphite
- Nickel
- Cobalt
- Copper
- Rare earth elements
The K2 project recently provided very promising copper samples following a drilling campaign conducted in the fall of 2022.
The K2 project
This K2 project is located in James Bay.
It is a research project for copper, gold, and silver.
A recent fall 2022 drilling campaign delineated significant copper intervals.
One drilling intersected a high copper content of 1,645 ppm over a length of 35.2 meters.
Read the full press release in GlobeNewswire: DIOS intersects interesting copper intervals in its drilling on its K2 project.
A large PP-5 conductor (1 km-long) coincides with the Badji occurrences (5.05% Cu, 5.39 g/t Au, 111 g/t Ag, pyrite-chalcopyrite veinlets in foliated and sericitized dacites)
Further to the southwest, Dios had obtained up to 8.28% Cu on the Kali Lake occurrence, 3.71% Cu on the Attila occurrence (8.08 g/t Au), and 6.42% Cu on the Curry occurrence.
A green and eco-friendly ore
Copper is an important element in supply chains for a host of products in the ecological transition, mainly for:
- Transportation (battery electric vehicles)
- Electrical production (grids and power plants)
In addition, some specialists estimate that resources could run out by 2055